EnDuraSim has decades of practical experience applying FEA simulation technology to real engineering challenges.
Simulation delivers the greatest return on investment when applied as early as possible in the design engineering process, thereby achieving superior insights into multiple solution options. However, simulation can provide a valuable return on investment at numerous stages of the engineering process, from optimisation of new designs, through to investigation of failures.

EnDuraSim can add value by:
- Performing outsourced engineering simulation for organisations that do not have in-house analysts or FEA technology
- Applying simulation to specific projects, to quantify the return-on-investment for organisations that are evaluating in-house analysis resources
- Taking on simulation workload when an organisation has a staff capacity shortage or when larger computing resources are needed
- Advancing simulation to more complex disciplines than those currently practiced within the organisation
- Training and/or mentoring analysts when they start applying simulation to real projects
- Assisting organisations who wish to include engineering and/or simulation in a “global delivery” strategy
- Providing fixed price outcomes for defined scopes of analysis work, or day rates – as preferred

EnDuraSim’s core discipline areas of expertise include:
- Static linear structural and mechanical stress analysis
- Natural frequency, frequency response, random and shock spectrum analysis
- Time history transient response and vibration frequency response
- Durability assessment associated with the situations described above, particularly complex welded structure fatigue
- Structural optimisation in static and dynamic loading environments
- Non-linear static analysis including buckling, contact and plasticity
- Non-linear static/transient analysis including high strain, impacts and crashworthiness
- Steady state and transient thermal analysis including conduction, convection, radiation; coupled flow/thermal and thermal stress
- Simulation automation and knowledge capture
- General mechanical/structural engineering, and design/testing expertise for projects of applicable scale
Example Projects:
These are a small sample of the dozens of advanced simulation projects EnDuraSim and its staff have conducted in numerous industries, engineering disciplines and countries:
- Non-linear elastic / plastic buckling analysis of aluminium facade fins for FIFA 2010 stadium in Durban South Africa
- Rotating structure, bolt, weld and fatigue analysis of mills, rotary digesters and other critical high-value mining / industrial process equipment
- Buckling simulation of polymer water tanks
- Stress / fatigue analysis of railway air conditioning equipment to BS7608
- Elastic / plastic simulation of rail wheel anti-derailment guard
- Re-design and analysis of monorail bogies (stress, BS7608 fatigue, weld design)
- Rollover simulation of earthmoving equipment occupant protection structure
- Crashworthiness (non-linear transient elastic/plastic impact) simulation of bull bars and cargo barriers
- ADR 59 rollover simulation of passenger coaches
- Thermal and mechanical simulation of rail wheels to AAR S-660 and UIC510-5 standards
- Thermal / mechanical simulation of copper production equipment
- Full vehicle simulation (stress & modes) of a motorhome
- Expert witness reports on critical equipment failures (rotating equipment; vehicle attachments; accident re-construction)
- Impact resistance of crane cabin safety glass
- Wind fatigue simulation of audio support structures for MCG and Perth Stadiums
- Flow and thermal flow simulation in fluid valves
- Transient simulation (for fatigue assessment) of railway freight wagon
- Audit of GRP manifold analysis
- Mine impact simulation and vibration fatigue of ship-mounted defence equipment (MIL-STD-167-1A)
- Training / project acceleration for full ship modelling of 80m catamaran ferry
- Automation of simulation process for glass panels

EnDuraSim provides excellence through experience, world class FEA technology, large computing power, and a commitment to quality.
Contact us on 1800 FOR FEA (1800 367 332, or +61 2 9484 7837 from outside Australia) to discuss your requirements.