Simulation enables better decisions to be made more efficiently. Simulation allows slow and expensive design-test-redesign cycles to be minimised (sometimes eliminated), which provides a compelling ROI in many areas of engineering,
We believe Femap with NX Nastran provides the best combination of comprehensive, cost-effective simulation for all sizes of engineering businesses. Robust, industry-proven technology which originated from NASA’s Apollo Space Program is now available in a way which is surprisingly affordable, without compromising on in-depth industrial capability.
Other options are available for Advanced Dynamics, Advanced Non-linear, Fluids/Thermal, Optimisation, Aeroelasticty and Rotor Dynamics.
And finally, great technology achieves maximum value when supported by people with focused, dedicated expertise. With 25+ years direct Femap experience and 30+ years direct Nastran experience, our in-depth expertise is incomparable in Asia Pacific. EnDuraSim provides high quality FEA Consulting, Femap & Nastran training & technical support, plus useful tech tips and productivity APIs.
Contact us on 1800 FOR FEA (1800 367 332, or +61 2 9484 7837 from outside Australia) to discuss your requirements.